Sunday, April 12, 2015

Assignment # 3

     The fourteenth through the sixteenth centuries of history was known as the renaissance period. Renaissance classified by classical art, learning and literature. During this time masterpieces were created by brilliant artist. Shift in beliefs were changed by an artistic movement called humanism. Humanism is a cultural and intellectual movement that followed the rediscovery of art and literature of ancient Greece and Rome. The four qualities that define renaissance art are linear perspective, volume, directional light and emotion.


     Madonna Adoring the Sleeping Child by Giovanni Bellini made during the early 1460s is an example of renaissance art. The medium used was temporal on wood. The dimensions are 28 1/2 by 18 1/4 in. This painting of Giovanni Bellini early artwork is important because he is known as the greatest painter of the fifteenth century Venice and one of the key figures in European painting. The child in this painting is a reminder of Christ’s death and sacrifice. Linear perspective and hierarchical proportion is used to highlight Madonna looking down on the sleeping child. Her hands symbolize prayer.  The directional light is located in the sky that is softening and highlighting Madonna and the child. The emotion on Madonnas face shows a bit of sorrow.

     The Baroque period took place during the sixteenth to seventeenth century. Artist used the same techniques used during the renaissance period and added more drama, emotion and splendor. The qualities that define baroque art shows energy and feeling, dramatic use of light, scale, and composition. 

     Virgin of Child with Saint Catherine of Alexandra by Anthony Van Dyck made during 1630 in Antwerp is an example of baroque art. The medium used was oil on canvas. The dimensions used are 43 by 35 3/4 in with added straps that are 44 1/8 by 37 in. The infant is Jesus responding to Saint Catherine, who is a former princess identified by the pearls in her hair and the martyr’s palm. Saint Catherine was in awe by the young woman because of her mystical marriage to Christ. The apples above the rose to the upper left refer to Christ. The formal elements that classify this painting as baroque art is the dramatic use of light and dark creates the illusion of depth of space, and makes the figures more realistic bringing out dimension. The ornate painting makes the viewer almost want to touch it because of the vivid realism. The energy and feeling is strong as the viewer sees the admiration and emotion of all the figures as it tells a small story. Composition of the painting looks and feels complete as the elements come together.


  1. Hi Tabitha- Very descriptive essay- your sketches are beautiful- you display a good understanding of each style

  2. I don't see Assignment 1 & 2...You can still do them- a 0 for 2 assignments will affect your grade a great deal
