Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Assignment # 4


Impressionism is a style of painting that started in France around the 1870s. During this time artist painted quickly to help capture the image that was being seen. Artist started to take their canvases outdoors and painted impressions of what the eye actually sees instead of what the mind knows. Artist painted using direct observation of landscapes and ordinary scenes in many weather conditions, seasons, and times of day. They studied physics of light and color to show different perspectives of light. Using small dabs of color and small strokes to capture light and mood of specific movement as well as the transition effect of natural light and color. Open from was also used during this time.


Post-impressionism is a term that applied to many personal styles of paintings by artist living in France during 1885 through 1900s. Artist during this period showed form, symbolism, expressiveness, and psychological intensity in their paintings. Expressionist and formalist are two groups that artist were defined by during this time. Artist believed in free interpretation of nature and not too see things but to see through them. The elements that help define this period of paintings are bold simplified shapes and flat color areas. Strong use of line and color with lots of rhythm. Pointillism which is a system using tiny dots of color was also used during this time also known a divisionism. 

1 comment:

  1. OK- sounds a bit too much like a textbook answer, tho- better to interpret in your own words
